Homeopathic remedies are the safest medicines on earth, and exist in harmony with pharmaceutical medications.
In today's world, the need for homeopathy has never been more critical. Homeopathy's distinctiveness lies in its gentle nature; it never pushes or forces change upon the body. Instead, it provides a blueprint to the body, guid
Homeopathic remedies are the safest medicines on earth, and exist in harmony with pharmaceutical medications.
In today's world, the need for homeopathy has never been more critical. Homeopathy's distinctiveness lies in its gentle nature; it never pushes or forces change upon the body. Instead, it provides a blueprint to the body, guiding it's way back to center, to it's natural state.
Homeopathy has no side effects, making it a clean, efficient, and enduring form of medicine.
Homeopathic medicines are subjected to rigorous FDA regulations, adhering to the strictest procedures among all medicinal practices. Homeopathic Pharmacies meticulously follow guidelines to ensure that remedies are administered exclusively by those educated and trained in this medical art, safeguarding the safety of your treatment.
In a landscape where even typically healthy vitamins, herbs, and foods may conflict with pharmaceutical drugs, homeopathy shines. It not only coexists harmoniously with prescription medications but can also alleviate suffering while addressing the underlying disease patterns for which these medications were initially prescribed.
If you're currently reliant on pharmaceutical drugs, homeopathy can support your desire to transition away from them. This gentle restorative action on your organs, as evidenced by clinical data from the Dr.’s Banerji, reduces side effects and diminishes chronic disease states in your body.
Homeopathy provides a promising path forward within today's intricate healthcare tapestry.
Regardless of where you stand on your health journey, embracing homeopathic treatment will allow you to shift back into your original state of health and vitality, a valuable commodity by today's standards. Homeopathy will gently recover your ability to self-regulate, while uprooting hereditary, chronic and acute disease presentations.
Allow me to join you on your journey to wholeness, where we can explore the incredible potential of homeopathy in for your life, the finest and safest medicine on Earth.
Homeopathy is a comprehensive system of medicine embraced across 80 countries and all seven continents.
In nations such as France and India, Homeopathic Pharmacies are commonplace, and the populace is well-versed in the everyday use of homeopathic remedies.
In Calcutta, India, where my studies originate, the world's largest medical
Homeopathy is a comprehensive system of medicine embraced across 80 countries and all seven continents.
In nations such as France and India, Homeopathic Pharmacies are commonplace, and the populace is well-versed in the everyday use of homeopathic remedies.
In Calcutta, India, where my studies originate, the world's largest medical clinic, the Banerji Research Clinic, stands at the forefront of advanced homeopathic medical treatment. Over the last 200 years, the Banerji family, comprised of four generations of Homeopathic M.D.’s, has meticulously refined the art of Advanced Homeopathy, also known as Practical Homeopathy.
Their clinical approach efficaciously addresses acute, chronic, and hereditary diseases with precision and gentleness.
Their clinical research has been shared with the foremost medical research institutions in our country, and details of their clinical method can be found in their book, The Banerji Protocols.
The protocols they developed serve as the foundation of my own homeopathic practice, and I owe my training to the remarkable dedication of these M.D.'s, as well as the tireless efforts of Joette Calabrese, who I’ve been blessed to study under for the last 15 years.
By joining forces with me on your health journey you will be embracing the finest medicine our world has to offer.
I come to you with an open heart, holding deep gratitude to all my teachers and guides, and wish you blessings on your path to wellness, whatever that may be.
In love and light,
I am a Quantum Nutrition Testing Practitioner,
which means I am able
to remotely determine stressors*
on your body and mind,
then find the solutions which support your body in resolving these stressors, all without diagnosing or treating you under the conventional medical model.
*Stressors include
(but are not limited to):
parasites, m
I am a Quantum Nutrition Testing Practitioner,
which means I am able
to remotely determine stressors*
on your body and mind,
then find the solutions which support your body in resolving these stressors, all without diagnosing or treating you under the conventional medical model.
*Stressors include
(but are not limited to):
parasites, mold, chemical toxicity,
viruses, bacteria, radiation and foods.
A QNT practitioner is quick and efficient, because we are able to pick up on** blockages, obstacles, and impending issues a conventional doctor would miss. This is because our training
and our process is so different.
note: **QNT
is a form of remote muscle testing,
which allows me to “pick up on"
your body’s nervous system response
to various stressors-
specifically the stressors which are aggravating your body
and mind, keeping you
from healing. )
Symptoms caused by stressors
might include
swelling inflammation, headaches,
joint pain, dizziness, high blood pressure, low immunity, allergies, brain fog, tics, eczema, tumors, or complexly presenting diseases.
So someone might appear
to be exhibiting a
joint or mood disorder,
but the cause might be
parasites, chemical toxicity, or a mineral deficiency.
As a QNT Practitioner,
I don’t have to figure out
what the problem is.
Your body holds the key and is just waiting for someone to ask it what it needs.
So how do we ask the body?
We ask the nervous system,
which leads us to answers by applying “virtual stress” to meridian points on organs, glands and receptors.
As a Quantum Nutrition Testing practitioner I don’t need to stand in front of you
and apply physical stress to your meridian points.
If you know about quantum physics,
you may know that
consciousness applied to atoms
creates change
within the atomic field.
So, I can, through applying
focused intention
(and trust me this is a lifelong study,
but worth the effort),
apply a stressor to your meridian points and get a “read”
(only with your permission)
on your nervous system,
your ability to regulate,
and your ability to hold up
under this quantum pressure.
The points that cave are the points
that need help recovering.
Then... I help you recover.
Your process of recovery with me
will encompass whatever needs
show up.
We will start with Homeopathy
which will support the organs and glands under distress, open drainage pathways so your cells become revitalized, and apply symptom-specific solutions, which is what homeopathy is all about- remember your symptoms are the tip of a weed with long roots so addressing symptoms is a beautiful clearing form of medicine.
From there, if we agree,
we may choose to have you participate in a Distance Energy Clearing. This is like hands on healing but it is applied to the biofield only, and from distance, utilizing my Quantum Healing Training.
Quantum Healing is a way to clear energetic blocks which can impede healing. It's like clearing "stuck-ness" in the body.
We may choose to utilize
drainage combination remedies, or
supplements with the ability to bind toxins. Or we may support the body and mind with nourishing nutrients.
There is a triad of healing modalities,
as Brad Baetz from Energetix puts it.
The triad is:
1) detoxification
2) remembering (re-establishing patterns and pathways), and
3) nourishment (nourishing and regenerating our cells, tissues and structures)
As an Intuitive Homeopath,
utilizing the QNT triad, I have access to the best solutions for you
in the most ideal timing,
to unfold the most lasting, powerful healing in your body.
With all we are up against today,
I am pleased to be able to offer
the most powerful medicine
on the planet,
because you deserve the very best.
-with love,
Your first appointment with me
is where your healing begins.
My goal is to hold a space of love and acceptance, a safe space to share, while documenting your conditions, symptoms, and mindsets that are most bothersome to you.
As your Homeopath,
I know your presenting symptoms are like the tip of a long, deeply embedded weed, that extends
Your first appointment with me
is where your healing begins.
My goal is to hold a space of love and acceptance, a safe space to share, while documenting your conditions, symptoms, and mindsets that are most bothersome to you.
As your Homeopath,
I know your presenting symptoms are like the tip of a long, deeply embedded weed, that extends throughout your being, into many levels.
As an Intuitive Homeopath
I will be drawing on my deeper gift of discernment to determine the most effective remedies and potencies for you.
We will utilize homeopathy
for detoxification, to bring in nutrition,
to clear allopathic drugs, and to
shift deep genetic imprints
that are carried in your DNA.
Each appointment with me will build on the last, and the process will be like the turning of a combination lock, one click at a time, opening and healing each layer, slowly dissolving conditions, moving toward full resolution.
As we work together, you can look forward to a collaborative experience, focused on the return of your vitality and well being, and eventually wholeness again.
- with light and love, Linda
Click the button below to schedule an appointment and begin your journey using the most effective medicine on earth.